Git Happens

Everyone knows that git happens. Try it, try it, Sam I Am!

Git for Scientists

Software Carpentry’s lessons are a good intro if you want to read ahead.

What is git?

Git is a version control system. It’s the current top-of-the-line one, used by programmers and conscientious people everywhere.

What is version control?

Version control tracks changes in files over time. It keeps the progression of a project, trackably, without cluttering the filesystem.

Version control is like saved games. Use it to mark any point you might want to come back to. Use it to see what changed, when.

In addition, version control coordinates changes to the same files by many people. Use it to collaborate without overwriting team members’ work.

Why do I care?

Version control is essential for reproducibility of results. You can get back to any version of your code. You can see who changed what, and when, and (with good practice) why. You can give other people access to see or change your files without fear that they’ll overwrite anything you needed.

That’s the excuse, the external reason to use git. The day-to-day reason is: it provides safety and lets us experiment. Save something, make changes, and always know you can change your mind. Track what you did.

Other benefits:

What’s the downside?

Long-term, the downside is a bit of extra work, a few extra commands to type a few times per day. There’s some extra brainspace required there.

Setup is easier than any other version control system. You do need to decide whether to backup or share your repository. You’ll also want to figure out the git integration in your favorite development tools.

Short-term, learning git is tough. The concepts in it are new, but interesting. The commands to do things are new, and not as easy as I wish they could be. But that’s why you’re here!


We have all afternoon to learn this. The goal is, before you leave today you know how to use git locally to save multiple versions of files, and to collaborate with a central repository at Bitbucket or Github.

We’ll start with the concepts behind git and how it organizes the versions of files internally. Then we’ll create a local repository, save some changes, and get back to old versions. After the break, we’ll backup our repository to Bitbucket, and then learn how to collaborate with each other.


Before typing anything, let’s get an idea of how git thinks about your files.

A project is a directory, including all subdirectories and all the files on down. By default, git saves the contents of everything under the project root directory when you save your game.

A repository is “a storage location, often for safety or preservation.” In the case of git, it’s a compressed and carefully organized copy of all your saved games. This always lives inside a sneaky subdirectory (called .git) in the project root. Copies of it can also live elsewhere, such as Bitbucket, Github, and collaborators’ computers.

A commit is a saved game. Every commit includes:

Each commit encapsulates a set of changes. These saved games are always available to restore, to compare with, and to share with others (if you choose to publish them).

Get Started

Git commands start with git and then what you want to do. The first ones to learn are config, status, add, commit, and log. A few uses of each of these, and we can create saved games and review our progression.

One-time setup

After installing git, there are a few one-time configuration commands that tell git who you are. Please replace the name and email with yours, and the editor “nano” with whatever is your favorite.

    git config --global "Vlad Dracula"
    git config --global "vlad@tran.sylvan.ia"
    git config --global color.ui "auto"
    git config --global core.editor "nano"

Your First Repo

Execute these commands in the terminal on a Mac, or in Git Bash on Windows.

  1. Make a directory, a whole new directory, to be the project root.
    mkdir poetry
  1. Go into that directory. Most git commands are best executed when you’re at project root.
    cd poetry
  1. Create a file in that directory, representing the initial version of your work or program. (I’m going to construct a poem.)
    nano poem.txt
    (insert text "The old crow is getting slow")
    (save and quit)
  1. List the files in the directory. you should see only poem.txt

Now, say, I’m getting ready to change my poem. And I think, “Oh, I should save this first, so I can change my mind later. And tell when I changed it, and why.” The save button in your editor writes it to a file that can change. Version control preserves it forever, like a museum, with little signs in front of it explaining it to users.
This photo of Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County is courtesy of TripAdvisor

  1. Create a git repository to preserve stuff in this directory.
    git init
  1. Check the status. I type git status about every other command. Also check ls -a, and see the new .git directory. You never need to use that, but feel reassured that museum specimens are stored there.
  2. “Untracked files” is a bad thing. Tell git that yes, we want it to babysit this file, and we’re about to save it.
    git add poem.txt
  1. Check the status. Git now has this file, in its current state, on its preservation station, ready for carbon freeze.
  2. Save the game! When you type this, git is going to open your editor. that’s where you’ll fill in the sign, explain the purpose of these changes.
    git commit
    (type a commit message, save and commit)
  1. Check the status. It is all clear.
  2. Now it’s finally time to make that change. Edit the file and add a line.
  3. Check the status. (every even numbered step!) Git notices the changes. They’re not yet in the preservation station.
  4. Here’s a shortcut, when all you have is changes to existing file, to make a commit quickly. The -a option to commit means “include all outstanding changes to existing files.” The -m option means “Here comes a commit message right here.”

    git commit -am "Added line 2 to poem"
  5. Check the status. All clear.
  6. Now pretend it’s a week later, and we come back and ask, what was I doing in this project anyway? It’s time to take a peek at our exhibit so far. When we ask git for the log, it shows up. By default it opens the log inside less, which is a program for viewing files longer than the screen. This won’t make a difference when our log is so short. Later on, you can hit q to exit without scrolling through the whole log.

    git log

If these are the only commands you know, this is sufficient to preserve the history of your project, and retain reproducibility. git add new files, and then git commit at least daily with a useful message.

Using your saved games

All this historical context is useful to see what’s changed, and to move to a previous state.

  1. Identify a saved game by its commit name
  2. Show the changes that happened in that commit
    git log -p <commit>
  1. Show the difference between that commit and the last commit
    git diff <commit>..HEAD
  1. Go back to that saved game.
    git checkout <commit>
  1. Check the status. What is this detached HEAD state?? It says, if you’re going to save any new games from this point, you need to name your alternate history. Now it’s time to talk about how git records history, how it keeps context: the commit graph.

More saved-game slots

Or, alternate histories in the museum.

  1. Pointers into the graph: branches
  2. The current-place bookmark: HEAD
  3. See how the branches relate
    git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
  1. Switching branches
  2. Bringing changes into master with fast-forward
  3. Tags give a commit a permanent name

Local: Conclusion

With this, you can track your own project’s progress. You can label versions with tags, justify changes in commit messages, and reproduce the state of your project at any point. You can experiment, save these changes to another saved game, and bring them into the mainline when you choose. All this makes the process of development and writing more legible and measurable. And when it’s legible, we can scale it up! Next is to add offsite backup, and then collaborators.


Offsite backup

Note: everywhere you see “bitbucket” or “Github” you may substitute one for the other.

The quickest win of replicating your repository to other locations is for your own use. You have an extra copy of every version of your project ever, in the cloud or on a server. You can update this when you wish. The next quickest win is: collaborating with yourself, on another computer. You can have completely separate copies, and yet keep them up to date with each other as you choose.

This is different from Dropbox. Git doesn’t do anything you don’t tell it to do. This may seem like extra work when you’re collaborating with yourself, but it’s essential when you collaborate with other people.

  1. Create an account at bitbucket
  2. Create a new repository on bitbucket
  3. Add bitbucket as a remote.
  1. Push the contents of your repository up.
    git push -u <bitbucket url>
  1. See your work on bitbucket.
  2. In the terminal, edit the poem.txt again. Add another line.
  3. git add and git commit the change.
  4. Check the status. See that it tells you, you are one commit ahead of origin. That means you have changes locally that you haven’t shared yet.
  5. git push to update the remote repository with your changes.
  6. See that the repository in bitbucket has the new commit.

At this point, you can use the bitbucket repository to collaborate with yourself: access it, and get and push changes from multiple computers.


Time to work together! 1. Pair up with a person next to you. (Three in a group is OK too.) Choose one person’s repository to collaborate on. 2. The repository owner: give update permissions to the other person or people. 3. Everyone else: clone the shared repository.

    git clone <bitbucket url>
  1. Check the status and the log. Everyone should see the same stuff.
  2. One person, create a file name.txt.
  3. add and commit it, then git push to share it.
  4. Everyone else, use git fetch to bring down new changes.
  5. Check the status. See that origin has some news for us. At this stage, nothing has changed locally, except that git knows the latest news from origin.
  6. Type git merge to bring the changes into the local branch.
  7. See the new file.

Simultaneous work

What if both people make changes at the same time?

  1. Do this. Everybody (create if necessary and) edit a file named after them.
  2. Everyone git push. The first to push will have no problems.
  3. When git push complains about being unable to fast-forward, it’s time to:
  4. git fetch
  5. Check the status. See that we have a commit, and origin has a commit for us.
  6. git merge to bring all the changes together.
  7. git push to share the result.
  8. Everyone else, git fetch and git merge to update to the latest. Note that when you’re quite sure you want everything from origin into your local branch, then git pull is a shortcut for git fetch; git merge. I don’t recommend it, because of conflicts.


Good practice for commit messages